Hollywood Flies (2005) [1:01]
Featuring Bianca Guaccero
Keywords: knockout (chloroform), blindfold, OTM gag, cable ties, hands behind, ankles together, onscreen tying, carrying, Italy, Canada

Ibun Sarutobi Sasuke (1965) [0:16] (aka Samurai Spy)
Featuring Misako Watanabe
Keywords: handgag, cleave gag, rope, hands behind, ankles together, dress, Japan

Underworld (2003) [0:20]
Featuring Jazmín Damak
Keywords: hands together over head, dress, snuff, USA, Germany, Hungary, UK

Whiz Kids "May I Take Your Order, Please?" (1983) [1:12]
Featuring Andrea Elson
Keywords: tape gag, rope, hands behind, ankles together, USA

Perils of Nyoka (1942) [0:26]
Featuring Kay Aldridge
Keywords: rope, hands together over head, suspension, dress, serial, USA

Bastidores [2:37]
Featuring Susana Dias
Keywords: tape gag, rope, hands to chair arms, onscreen gagging, Portugal

Tropix (2002) [2:02]
Featuring Danielle Bisutti
Keywords: cleave gag, cable ties, hands in front, ankles together, onscreen gagging, onscreen tying, carrying, dress, Costa Rica

The Rifleman "Sheer Terror" (1958) [1:53]
Featuring Joan Taylor
Keywords: handgag, OTM gag, rope, hands behind, dress, putz, USA

The Janitor (2003) [0:35]
Featuring unknown
Keywords: tape gag, rope, hands behind, skirt, USA

El Cholo y el pachuco (2001) [1:16]
Featuring Alejandra Anaya
Keywords: cleave gag, hands behind, Mexico

Furia à Bahia pour OSS 117 (1965) [1:20] (aka OSS 117: Mission for a Killer)
Featuring Perrette Pradier
Keywords: tape gag, rope, hands at sides, ankles together, onscreen tying, carrying, skirt, putzes, Italy, France

Scream, Baby, Scream (1969) [0:36]
Featuring unknown
Keywords: knockout (injection), tape gag, leather straps, hands at sides, onscreen gagging, dress, USA

Gwendoline (1984) [1:07]
Featuring Tawny Kitaen
Keywords: cleave gag, rope, hands in front, France

In the Mix (2005) [0:20]
Featuring Emmanuelle Chriqui
Keywords: tape gag, rope, hands behind, USA

Resort to Murder (1995) [0:33]
Featuring Kelly Hunter
Keywords: tape gag, handcuffs, hands together over head, UK

Per una bara piena di dollari (1971) [0:50] (aka A Barrel Full of Dollars; Coffin Full of Dollars; Nevada Kid; Showdown for a Badman)
Featuring Simonetta Vitelli
Keywords: OTM gag, rope, hands together over head, skirt, Italy

Airwolf "Pilot" (1984) [2:00]
Featuring Belinda Bauer
Keywords: rope, upper spreadeagle, ankles together, USA

Survivor "Culture Shock and Violent Storms" (2000) [4:46]
Featuring Julie Berry and Eliza Orlins
Keywords: rope, hands in front, USA

The Toolbox Murders [part 1] (1978) [4:03]
Featuring Pamelyn Ferdin
Keywords: knockout (handgag), cleave gag, rope, hands in front, ankles together, dress, barefoot, USA

The Toolbox Murders [part 2] (1978) [3:01]
Featuring Pamelyn Ferdin
Keywords: cleave gag, rope, hands in front, onscreen gagging, USA

The Toolbox Murders [part 3] (1978) [3:57]
Featuring Pamelyn Ferdin
Keywords: cleave gag, rope, hands in front, ankles together, dress, barefoot, USA

2001 Maniacs (2005) [1:39]
Featuring Gina Marie Heekin and Marla Malcolm
Keywords: blindfold, cleave gag, rope, hands behind, full spreadeagle, barefoot, snuff, USA

Totally Spies "Arnold the Great" (2002) [1:09]
Featuring Alex, Clover and Sam
Keywords: rope, hands together over head, USA

Totally Spies "Evil Bouquets Are Sooo Passe" (2002) [2:15]
Featuring Alex, Clover and Sam
Keywords: vine bondage, hands behind, ankles together, onscreen tying, USA

Totally Spies "Evil Jerry" (2002) [0:47]
Featuring Alex, Clover and Sam
Keywords: metal straps, hands to chair arms, onscreen tying, USA